
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Saturday 21 December 2019

Ovarian Christmas Cheer

Blue Monday? Not for Ovarian cancer

         Do you know about Blue Monday? It was news for me; it’s an invention by advertisers (of course), aimed at selling more stuff (of course), mostly cruising in the Caribbean. The third Monday in January, Blue Monday is the day when the end of good feelings after Christmas and the reality of failure to honour New Year’s resolutions kick in.
         This year Blue Monday is on January 13, 2020, but there will be no reason for those of us involved with ovarian cancer to be gloomy. 2019 has been a momentous year with signs of light: -

·      The mortality from ovarian cancer is decreasing at around 2.5% per annum
·      Australia has the best outcomes for ovarian cancer with 55% survival for patients<60 after 5 years
·      Radical change in drug treatment with PARP inhibitors helps to stop recurrence
·      Understanding the genetics of ovarian cancer means more patients receive targeted therapy
·      Commercial opportunity is driving research
·      Federal Government funding is at an all-time high

         So, enjoy Christmas, a time for hope and optimism, do not allow the January blues to happen. “Yes we can!”

P.S. Maybe we should hijack “Teal Blue Monday?”

Paul Kelly; how to make gravy

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