
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday, 24 July 2020

Tall women greater risk

Ovarian Cancer and Body Size

         This review looked at body size and height of women compared to their risk of ovarian cancer. All available literature was examined with more than 25,000 women who had ovarian cancer compared to more than 81,000 women who did not.
         The risk of developing ovarian cancer increased significantly with height and body mass index (BMI) changes. The elevated relative risk was 1.07 for each 5cm increase in height above 160cm.
         The effect of a rise in BMI was different for women who had previously had hormone replacement therapy (HRT) compared to those who had not. For women who had not had HRT,  the increased risk of ovarian cancer for every 5kg/m² above normal in BMI, was 1.10. Those women who had previously had HRT showed no change in risk of ovarian cancer despite elevation of the BMI.
         The authors note that because of better nutrition, women everywhere are growing taller, this could increase ovarian cancer incidence by 3% per decade.

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