
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday 18 August 2023

Maybe not

Salpingectomy and the Risk of Ovarian Cancer in Ontario

    Science works best when established procedures and protocols are challenged and hopefully verified.

    It has become obvious that much ovarian cancer, especially the commonest; high grade epithelial cancer, arises from the fallopian tube and spreads to the ovary. This suggested risk reduction surgery (RRS) for high-risk patients with elective removal of the fallopian tubes (salpingectomy).

    Whether this will prove to be beneficial in the long term is yet to be confirmed. However, this study looks at a large number of women from the Ontario health database and compares the number who subsequently develop ovarian cancer for women who had a previous salpingectomy with those who did not.

    The findings were that the risk of developing ovarian cancer over the 7.5-year period was the same for both groups. No difference is shown, this raises the question as to whether RRS is appropriate.

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