
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday 13 October 2023

Borderline tumours and cancer

Risks of non-ovarian cancers in women with borderline ovarian tumour: a national cohort study in Sweden

One of the great advantages of medical research from Scandinavia is the quality of the epidemiology data. This paper is an example of the large numbers of the sample group which can be obtained from the Swedish Cancer Registry.

Almost 5000 women were diagnosed to have a borderline ovarian tumour during the period 1995-2018. Follow up of those women showed an increased risk of non-ovarian cancer when compared to the general population.

The types of cancer included bowel, uterine, renal, lung, thyroid and pancreas. There was no association shown with breast cancer or leukaemia. The authors speculate that the presence of a borderline tumour may be a marker for increased cancer risk possibly due to a shared cause or predisposition.

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