
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday, 24 January 2025

Another good idea disproved.

Metabolism of Primary High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma (HGSOC) Cells under Limited Glutamine or Glucose Availability

As understanding of ovarian cancer increases previous suggestions as to cause and effect are often disproved and need to be disregarded.

It is known that there are two groups of high grade serous ovarian, (HGSOC) cancer patients, one of which survive betterFormerly there was a theory that this division is due to difference in glucose metabolism. Two main pathways of glucose metabolism occur; glycolysis, which does not need oxygen and phosphorylation which does. It had been thought that chemo response was bettefor cells which use the second pathway as a priority.

This basic research using cancer cells from 45 patients with HGSOC showed no correlation between survival and glucose metabolism. There is however evidence shown that cancer cell proliferation is decreased in low glucose conditions, which supports anecdotal evidence of the benefit of anti-hyperglycaemic such as Metformin and maybe Ozempic.

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