
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Does fertility treatment increase the risk of cancer?

"Risks of ovarian, breast, and corpus uteri cancer in women treated with assisted reproductive technology in Great Britain, 1991-2010: data linkage study including 2.2 million person years of observation"

 This information is taken from:-

This is a massive study looking at the cancer risk in all women in the UK who underwent fertility treatment during the period 1991-2010. The incidence of breast, uterine and ovarian cancer in treated women was compared with the normal.

The conclusions were:-
"No increased risk of corpus uteri or invasive breast cancer was detected in women who had had assisted reproduction, but increased risks of in situ breast cancer and invasive and borderline ovarian tumours were found in this study. Our results suggest that ovarian tumour risks could be due to patient characteristics, rather than assisted reproduction itself, although both surveillance bias and the effect of treatment are also possibilities. Ongoing monitoring of this population is essential".

In addition it was noted that:-
"Increased risks of ovarian tumours were limited to women with endometriosis, low parity, or both".

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