
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday 4 March 2022

Care for the dying

Age Disparities in End of Life Symptom Management Among Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer


         The final stages of cancer are challenging for patients and treating medical professionals. Ovarian Cancer is no exception and unfortunately most women who have ovarian cancer will die from the disease.

         This study looks at the symptoms women experience during their last hospital admission. 82 women were included; most had fatigue, pain and shortness of breath as the reasons for admission. About 40% of these women received palliative care only.

         For the remainder invasive procedures such as drainage of ascites were undertaken. It is noted that these women were younger and usually had been sensitive to platinum chemo. No difference in survival was shown for those women who received active treatment. The authors suggest, “Futile treatments…should be avoided”.

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