
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday 1 December 2023

IPEC yes or no

Should We Abandon Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Advanced Ovarian Cancer? A Meta-Analysis

Use of intra peritoneal chemotherapy (IPEC) is low in Australia. The reasons for this include adverse effect with pain and toxicity. Logistic issues such as access and expertise also limit its use.

There has previously been little evidence of the potential benefit. This study, a retrospective analysis of all available data looked at the survival benefits of IPEC.

Six studies, with results for more than 4500 patients were shown to fit the selection criteria. Both overall survival and progress free survival were improved with IPEC, by almost 20%,(HR 0.81).

The implication of the study is that the IPEC therapy should be re-evaluated, and greater use would be beneficial.

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