
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday 24 May 2024

When to operate

CA-125 elimination rate constant K (KELIM) as a promising predictor of complete cytoreduction after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in advanced ovarian cancer patients: a retrospective study from two Chinese hospitals

For many patients with ovarian cancer complete removal of the cancer at the time of the first surgery is not possible. As with all surgery there are complications and some deaths. If complete resection is not possible a risk/benefit analysis should be performed and discussed with the patient. For older or frail women chemotherapy alone may be appropriate treatment.

This retrospective study looked at the surgical outcomes for 133 women who had chemo prior to surgery. The completeness of the cancer resection was compared to the response to chemo. This response was measured as the elimination rate of the tumour marker CA125, which is expressed as KELIM.

Results from the study suggest that KELIM is a marker of the likelihood of complete removal. The authors suggest a prospective study to prove this would benefit clinicians and patients who have the difficult choice of whether to proceed to surgery.

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