
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday, 12 February 2021

Centres of excellence


Clinical auditing as an instrument to improve care for patients with ovarian cancer: The Dutch Gynecological Oncology Audit (DGOA)


         Unless quality is measured there can be no improvement. Without information the management of ovarian cancer may be a best guess.

         The Dutch Institute of Clinical Auditing has a responsibility to determine quality indicators and provide feedback of verified information. In 2010 ovarian cancer care in Holland was rationalised, with surgical staging and primary treatment performed only at centres of excellence as defined by a minimum number of cytoreductive surgery procedures; being more than 20 annually.

         As a result Hospitals performing ovarian cancer surgery decreased from 90 to 23. There has been a significant delay in the onset of treatment and chemo but the number of patients who have complete primary resection of the cancer has increased.

         During the 5-year period 2013-18, 93% of all cases were included in the Audit. This is the first report and feedback will seek to address the issues identified. No significant change in staging or mortality was recorded.

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