
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday, 19 February 2021

Futile screening

Motivators of Inappropriate Ovarian Cancer Screening: A Survey of Women and Their Clinicians


         Multiple clinical trials have shown no value in screening for ovarian cancer (OC). This study looked at the prevalence of OC screening for Australian women. The Cancer Australia position statement of 2019 does not support OC screening, even for those deemed at high risk. Despite this, women continue to be sent for OC screening, with more than half of physicians doing so.

         For the study 832 women were recruited from multiple-case breast cancer families, only 4% were BRCA1/2 positive. There was misplaced enthusiasm for OC screening, with about 75% of the women thinking that screening was likely to detect OC.

         The results showed that the higher a woman’s enthusiasm the more likely it was that OC screening would be performed. A majority of women who had OC screening previously said they would request more despite contrary advice from their physician.

         Survey of clinicians showed that most agreed with the statement, “There is a chance that these tests will detect cancer early…” Most gynaecologists agreed that screening is ineffective but still, almost half ordered the tests. When questioned the reason given for the futile testing was usually patient pressure. The authors state that changing women’s and physician’s belief will be challenging.


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