
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday 13 January 2023


Identification of TP53 mutations in circulating tumour DNA in high grade serous ovarian carcinoma using next generation sequencing technologies


         Ovarian cancer frequently recurs and early treatment of recurrence improves survival. Currently the progress of ovarian cancer is monitored by serial measurement of serum CA125, a cancer antigen. 

         There are problems with this approach; CA125 has a long half-life so there may be a lag in detecting change. Also, the CA125 measurement does not relate to tumour size, which is an important indicator of survival impact.

         For other cancers such as prostate and colon, circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) is used to determine residual or recurrent tumour size; ctDNA is present as a result of cancer cell disruption.

         Identification of ctDNA from ovarian cancer depends on a genetic marker; ovarian cancer often carries the TP53 mutation. This small prospective study showed ctDNA in 10 patients with active ovarian cancer all of whom carried the TP53 genetic mutation, suggesting this may be a better means of surveillance.

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