
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday 20 January 2023

Microbiome change

Diagnostic and prognostic potential of the microbiome in ovarian cancer treatment response

         There are many causes of ovarian cancer, some environmental. Changes to the microbiome have been thought to be a contributing factor. 

         This small study looks at the microbiome of the vagina, cervix, uterus, tubes and ovaries together with samples from the peritoneum. Data was collected from 30 women known to have ovarian cancer and 34 other women having surgery for benign conditions.

         The usual microbiome is mostly composed of lactobacillus. For those women with ovarian cancer the microbiome was much more diverse with less predominance of lactobacillus. It is unknown whether this is a cause or effect. However, the authors suggest that changes in the microbiome could be a predictor for ovarian cancer and also response to treatment.

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