
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday 2 February 2024

Hospice care discriminates

Trends in Location of Death for Individuals with Ovarian Cancer in the United States

Access to hospice care is discriminatoryUsing the CDC’s WONDER database, this article reviewed the place of death for almost 240.000 women who died from ovarian cancer, during the period 2003-2019.

There was a 22% increase in the number of deaths from ovarian cancer during that time. The likelihood of women dying at home decreased by 6%with 23% doing so in 2019. An increase in those dying in a hospital to 64% was almost all due to non-white women. The number dying in hospice increased from 9% to 13%, mostly white women.

If you are black in the US, you are almost 70% more likely to die in hospital. Indigenous or Asian women have a 50% greater death rate in hospital compared to white women

The authors suggest better access and information about high quality healthcare is required.

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