
This blog is intended as a resource for those people who have been touched by ovarian cancer

Friday 9 February 2024

Unexpected adverse effect

Real-World Data Confirm the Incidence of ADC-Related Ocular Toxicities in Ovarian Cancer

One of the white hopes for treatment of ovarian cancer is the antibody/drug conjugate Elahere. This drug has FDA approval for use in cases of platinum resistant recurrent ovarian cancer. Clinical trials showed significant improvement in survival which led to the approval.

However, adverse effects were noted with 61% of women receiving two or more cycles of treatment having visual problems. This review confirms the high incidence of eye symptoms due to corneal disease with blurred vision, pain, and photophobia.

Corneal symptoms are not an uncommon side effect of chemo, usually involving inflammation or inclusions, with corneal opacity. The authors state that because of the lack of alternative treatment for these womenmanaging the adverse effect with local measures such as steroid drops, is more appropriate than cessation. Informed consent prior to commencing treatment should include a warning about possible eye complications.

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